Orange Grove Nursery
Reborn art dolls...with character!
Rachel Orange
Orange Grove Nursery Artist
Born in USA, 1975
Bachelor of Fine Arts from WMU
Rachel studied art for 5½ years at college, receiving a BFA -emphasis in oil painting. After graduation, Rachel became a free-lance artist working on commission -specializing in Primacolor pencil drawings. In 2007, Rachel expanded her offerings to sewing on commission, specializing in movie accurate costumes; particularly Star Wars costumes for fellow members of the Rebel Legion (an international Star Wars costuming group).
May 2011, Rachel discovered the fascinating art of reborning. With many artists offering realistic babies, Rachel realized she needed to set her “nursery” apart from all the others. Rachel decided to combine her love of movies, television, & books and her love of sewing costumes with her reborning art form to create character babies.
Each reborn art doll is lovingly painted by Rachel to bring out the realism and characteristics of the baby being created. All of the reborn art dolls from Orange Grove Nursery have custom costumes/clothing designed and sewn by Rachel. In most instances, the reborn's body has been designed and sewn by Rachel as well. All of the babies that "grow" from the Orange Grove Nursery are unique and one of a kind.